Role Playing Games
King Mordas
My first ever created and played character has been Mordas, an AD&D character to be precise.
Mordas was a Fighter, berserker, who began his story at the age of 16 in a custom setting created by Master Logan, a friend of mine. Mordas holds a special place in my heart not only because he's been the first, but also because of the magic that created between us players, the master and the adventure itself. I remember these days with joy in my soul.
You can visit the King Mordas website for more information; there you will find the main characters descriptions, some maps, info about the adventure and a little bit of nostalgia for days of high adventure
King Mordas
The Adventures Wiki
The Adventures Wiki is just about that, a container of gaming adventures on the Internet. In this area you will find campaigns info where I'm either the Dungeon Master (DM), a player or just a host for someone else (mainly a friend of mine) who is in need of sharing with the rest of the world their gaming sessions! You will find characters (PCs), diaries containing details of those adventures and information like places, Non Playing Characters (NPCs) and stuff alike.
Please, be aware that the Wiki is written in Italian and no translations are planned for the future, at this time.
The Adventures Wiki